# API documentation and reference

# undoRedo(options) ⇒ function

The Undo-Redo plugin module

Returns: function - plugin - the plugin function which accepts the store parameter

Param Type Description
options Object
options.namespace String The named vuex store module
options.ignoreMutations Array.<String> The list of store mutations (belonging to the module) to be ignored
options.exposeUndoRedoConfig Boolean (Optional) Flag to expose the done and undone mutation stacks

# undoRedo:redo()

The Redo function - commits the latest undone mutation to the store, and pushes it to the done stack

# undoRedo:undo()

The Undo function - pushes the latest done mutation to the top of the undone stack by popping the done stack and 'replays' all mutations in the done stack

# undoRedo:clear()

The Clear function - empties the done and undone stacks, and re-initializes the store's state by executing the emptyState mutation

# undoRedo:reset()

The Reset function - empties the done and undone stacks, and resets the store's initial state to the current by executing the resetState mutation

# undoRedo:pipeActions(actions)

Piping async action calls sequentially using Array.prototype.reduce to chain and initial, empty promise

Param Type Description
actions Array.<Object> The array of objects containing the each action's name and payload

# undoRedo:getConfig(namespace) ⇒ Object

Piping async action calls sequentially using Array.prototype.reduce to chain and initial, empty promise

Returns: Object - config - The object containing the undo/redo stacks of the store module

Param Type Description
namespace String The name of the store module

# undoRedo:setConfig(namespace, config)

Piping async action calls sequentially using Array.prototype.reduce to chain and initial, empty promise

Param Type Description
namespace String The name of the store module
config String The object containing the updated undo/redo stacks of the store module