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Jump to heading Running phabalicious

To execute a command with the help of phabalicious, just

cd <your-project-folder>
phab --config=<your-config-key> <command>

This will read your fabfile.yaml, look for <your-config-key> in the host-section and run the command <command>

Add -v ... -vvv to increase the verbosity of phabalicious. You can get a list of all available options by running

phab help <command>

Jump to heading List of available commands

You can get a list of available commands with

phab list

Jump to heading Command line options

Jump to heading -v/ -vv/ -vvv/ -vvvv

Setting this option will increase the verbosity of phabalicious. Without this settings you'll get only warnings and errors and some informational stuff. If you encounter a problem try increasing the verbosity-level.

Jump to heading --config

phab --config=<your-config>

Most of the phabalicious commands need the option config. Setting the option will lookup <your-config> in the hosts-section of your fabfile.yaml and the data will be used to run your command with the correct environment.

Jump to heading --offline

phab --offline=1 --config=<your-config> <command>

This command will disable remote configuration files. As phabalicious keeps copies of remote configuration-files in ~/.phabalicious it will try to load the configuration-file from there.

Jump to heading --fabfile

Phab --fabfile=<path-to-your-fabfile ...

This will try to load the fabfile.yaml from a different location: path-to-your-fabfile

Jump to heading --blueprint

phab --config=<your-config> --blueprint=<branch-name> <command>

blueprint will try to load a blueprint-template from the fabfile.yaml and apply the input given as <branch-name> to the template. This is helpful if you want to create/ use a new configuration which has some dynamic parts like the name of the database, the name of the docker-container, etc.

The command will look first in the host-config for the property blueprint, afterwards in the dockerHost-configuration <config-name> and eventually in the global namespace. If you want to print the generated configuration as yaml, then use the output-command. The computed configuration is used as the current configuration, that means, you can run other commands against the generated configuration.

Available replacement-patterns and what they do.

Input is feature/XY-123-my_Branch-name, the project-name is Example project

Replacement Pattern value
%slug.with-hyphens.without-feature% xy-123-my-branch-name
%slug.with-hyphens% feature-xy-123-my-branch-name
%project-slug.with-hypens% example-project
%slug% featurexy123mybranchname
%project-slug% exampleproject
%project-identifier% Example project
%identifier% feature/XY-123-my_Branch-name
%slug.without-feature% xy123mybranchname

Here's an example blueprint:

inheritsFrom: http://some.host/data.yaml
configName: '%project-slug%-%slug.with-hyphens.without-feature%.some.host.tld'
branch: '%identifier%'
name: '%slug.without-feature%_mysql'
projectFolder: '%project-slug%--%slug.with-hyphens.without-feature%'
vhost: '%project-slug%-%slug.without-feature%.some.host.tld'
name: '%project-slug%%slug.without-feature%_web_1'

And the output of phab --blueprint=feature/XY-123-my_Branch-name --config=<config-name> output is

branch: feature/XY-123-my_Branch-name
configName: phbackend-xy-123-my-branch-name.some.host.tld
name: xy123mybranchname_mysql
name: phbackendxy123mybranchname_web_1
projectFolder: phbackend--xy-123-my-branch-name
vhost: phbackend-xy123mybranchname.some.host.tld
inheritsFrom: http://some.host/data.yaml


You can create new configurations via the global blueprints-settings:

  - configName: mbb
      - de
      - en
      - it
      - fr

will create 4 new configurations using the blueprint-config mbb.


You can even create a new host-config from a blueprint and override some of its setting:

      config: my-blueprint-config
      variant: my-variable

Jump to heading --variants

When using blueprint, you can run one command on multiple variants Just pass the --variants-flag with the wanted variants.

phab --config=my-blueprinted-config --variants=all  about
phab --config=my-blueprinted-config --variants=de,it,fr  about

This will prompt you with a list of commands which phab will run and ask for confirmation.

Jump to heading -s / --set

You can override existing configuration using the dot notation and pass arbitrary values to phabalicious. Currently this is supported for host configs and dockerhost configs.

host: example.test
port: 2222

To set a value from command line just pass it via the --set-option:

phab -cexample about --set host.host=overriden.test --set host.port=22

Jump to heading -a / --arguments

Pass arbitrary arguments to scripts or other parts. Passed arguments can be consumed by scripts using %arguments.<name>% syntax. An example:

    - echo %arguments.message%
phab -c<yourconfig> script test-arguments --arguments message="hello world"

Jump to heading --offline

Prevent loading of additional data from remote. Helpful when you do not have an internet connection.

Jump to heading --skip-cache

Phab caches remote files in ~/.phabalicious and will use the cached version if it not older than an hour. If you think you get outdated information, pass this flag. It makes sure, that all remote data is read from remote and updates the file-cache.

Jump to heading Used environment variables:

  • PHABALICIOUS_EXECUTABLE allows to override the phab executable when using variants
  • PHABALICIOUS_DEFAULT_CONFIG sets the default config name to use, when no config name was given via the --config flag
  • PHABALICIOUS_FORCE_GIT_ARTIFACT_DEPLOYMENT forces the git artifact deployment.
  • PHAB_OP_FILE_PATH file path to 1password executable.
  • PHAB_OP_JWT_TOKEN__<TOKEN_ID> token for 1password connect