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Jump to heading Scaffolding arbitrary files

Phabalicious supports not only scaffolding new applications, but arbitrary files. The command allows to be extended by socalled plugins which implements Phabalicious\Utilities\PluginInterface. The following plugin types are currently supported:

  • transformers, they take a yaml file as input, transform them to something different which will be written to the filesystem. transformer-plugins need to implement Phabalicious\Scaffolder\Transformers\DataTransformerInterface.

Jump to heading Running the command

phab scaffold path/to/scaffold-file.yaml

If you want to preview the command, add the --dry-run-option, this will output all commands to the console instead of executing them.

Jump to heading the scaffold-file

The scaffold-file has the same structure as used for scaffolding applications. Here's an example:

requires: 3.4

- vendor/factorial-io/phab-entity-scaffolder/src/transformers

- image_style

- block_content

- transform(block_content, block_content, config/sync)
- transform(imagestyles, image_styles, config/sync)
  • requires set the minimal phabalicious version this file works with.
  • the plugins-section reference paths to phabalicious-plugins. Every php file in that folder will be tried to be included and checked if they implement the required interfaces.
  • scaffold contains a list of script lines where replacement patterns a]get replaced and run via bash, if not an internal command is used.
  • It may also contain assets and/or questions as described in here, but they are not required.

Jump to heading List of supported internal commands:

  • log_message to print a message with a severity
  • copy_assets to copy assets and apply replacement patterns
  • decrypt_assets to decrypt and copy assets and apply replacement patterns
  • alter_json_file which will alter an existing json file and change some data
  • alter_yaml_file which will alter an existing yaml file and change some data
  • assert_file throws an exception if the file does not exist
  • assert_zero will stop the execution if the argument is not zero
  • assert_non_zero will stop the execution if the argument is zero
  • assert_contains will stop the execution if the argument does nt contain given string
  • set_directory sets the working directory to the argument
  • encrypt_files encrypt a bunch of files with a password and store them in a different directory
  • decrypt_files decrypt a bunch of files with a password and store the encrypted content in a different directory

Jump to heading List of commands which needs one or more plugin implementations

  • transform to transform a bunch of yml files to sth different. This command needs an implementation via plugin

Jump to heading Computed values

Similar to scripts, scaffolders do support computed values, by adding a computedValues-block to the yaml-file. Computed values get evaluated before the scaffold starts and store the results of the executed commands as variables which can be consumed later on in the script.

An example:

usingOutdatedScaffolder: cd %rootFolder% && grep -q drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold composer.json

- assert_nonzero(%computed.usingOutdatedScaffolder%, "The project is using the outdated drupal scaffolder from contrib, please upgrade first!")

The value for usingOutdatedScaffolder gets evaluated before the scaffolder starts and get injected as %computed.usingOutdatedScaffolder% which can be used in the script if needed.

If the command (in this example grep) produces an output, then the output is used for the stored value. If no output is created, then the exitcode will be used for the value. See the documentation about scripts for more info.

Jump to heading Callbacks provided by phabalicious

Jump to heading copy_assets

copy_assets can be used in the scaffold-section to copy assets into a specific location. The syntax is

copy_assets(<targetFolder>, <assetsKey=assets>, <fileExtensionForTwigParsing>)

Phabalicious will load the asset-file, apply the replacement-patterns to the file-name (see the deploymentAssetsfor an example) and parse the content via twig. The result will be stored inside the <targetFolder>. If <fileExtensionForTwigParsing> is set, then only files with that extension will be handled by twig.

Jump to heading decrypt_assets

decrypt_assets can be used in the scaffold-section to decrypt and copy assets into a specific location. The syntax is

decrypt_assets(<targetFolder>, <assetsKey=assets>, <secretName>, <fileExtensionForTwigParsing>)

Phabalicious will load the asset-file, decrypt it and apply the replacement-patterns to the file-name (see the deploymentAssetsfor an example) and parse the content via twig. The result will be stored inside the <targetFolder>. If <fileExtensionForTwigParsing> is set, then only files with that extension will be handled by twig.

Jump to heading log_message(severity, message)

log_message will log a string to the output of phabalicious. It supports several notification levels, e.g.

- log_message(info|warning|error|success, the message to display)

Jump to heading alter_json_file(file_path, data_ref)

This internal command can alter a json-file. It will merge the data from a yaml section into the json file. Here's an example:

one: foo
two: bar
one: boo
two: far

alter_json_file(package.json, dataToInject)

Jump to heading alter_yaml_file(file_path, data_ref)

This internal command can alter a yaml-file. It will merge the data from a yaml section into the yaml file. Note that the order in the resulting yaml file might be different, also comments might get removed. Here's an example:

one: foo
two: bar
one: boo
two: far

alter_yaml_file(config.yaml, dataToInject)

Jump to heading assert_zero(variable, error_message)

This internal command will throw an exception if the specified argument is not zero.

foo: 1
- assert_zero(%foo%, foo is not zero)

Jump to heading assert_non_zero(variable, error_message)

This internal command will throw an exception if the specified argument is zero.

foo: 0
- assert_non_zero(%foo%, foo is zero)

Jump to heading assert_contains(needle, haystack)

This internal command will throw an exception if needle is not found in haystack

- assert_contains(foo, bar, Could not find foo)

Jump to heading assert_file(file_path, error_message)

This internal command will throw an exception if the specified file does not exist. Useful to check if the user is in the right directory.

- assert_file(<file_path>, <error_message>)

Jump to heading assert_file(file_path, error_message)

This internal command will throw an exception if the specified file does not exist. Useful to check if the user is in the right directory.

- assert_file(<file_path>, <error_message>)

Jump to heading assert_file(file_path, error_message)

This internal command will throw an exception if the specified file does not exist. Useful to check if the user is in the right directory.

- assert_file(<file_path>, <error_message>)

Jump to heading set_directory(directory)

This internal command will change the current directory for the following commands to directory.

- set_directory(<directory>)
- echo $PWD # will output <directory>

Jump to heading confirm(message)

This internal command will ask the user for confirmation before continuing showing message.

- confirm(<message>)

Jump to heading scaffold(url, rootFolder)

This internal command will run another scaffolder from the given url or filepath into the given rootFolder. Additional arguments in the form of key=value will be passed to the scaffolder.

questions: []
assets: []
themeFolder: "%rootFolder%/web/themes/custom/some_frontend"

- scaffold("http://foo.bar/d8.yml", "%rootFolder%")
- scaffold("http://foo.bar/d8-theme.yml", "%themeFolder%")
- scaffold("http://foo.bar/d8-module.yml", "%rootFolder%/web/modules/custom/d8-module", "key1=value1", "key2=value2")

Jump to heading transform

This internal command will transform a list of yml files to sth different with the help of plugins. THe plugins need to be declared in the plugins-section.

- transform(<nameOfPlugin>, <yamlKeyToGetListOfFilesFrom>, <targetPath>)
  • <nameOfPlugin> is the plugin-name to use for the trnasforming. Depends on the plugin implementation
  • <yamlKeyToGetListOfFilesFrom> Similar to copy_assets, its a reference in the yaml-file which contains a list of files/ directories where phabalicious will try to load yaml files from.
  • <targetPath> the target directory where the resulting files should be saved to.

Jump to heading encrypt_files

This internal command will encrypt a given set of files, encrypt their contents and write it to a target folder.

- encrypt_files(path/to/files/or/folders/to/encrypt/*.ext, path/to/folder/to/store/encrypted/files, name-of-secret)

It gets the password from the secret and use it for encryption. The encrypted files are stored in the target folder with the new extension .enc.

Jump to heading decrypt_files

This internal command will decrypt a given set of files, decrypt their contents and write it to a target folder.

- decrypt_files(path/to/files/or/folders/to/decrypt/*.enc, path/to/folder/to/store/decrypted/files, name-of-secret)

It gets the password from the secret and use it for descryption. The decrypted files are stored in the target folder, the extension .enc will be removed if necessary.

Jump to heading Twig extensions

copy_assets will use twig to replace any configuration values inside the files with their values. You can use all functions and filters, available with twig.

Additionally these filters are available:

  • md5 e.g. {{ "hello world" | md5 }} will result in f0ef7081e1539ac00ef5b761b4fb01b3
  • slug e.g. {{ "a string with ümlauts" }} will result in a-string-with-umlauts
  • decrypt e.g. `{{ "def50200e2013402c4c4440412f94d68044078577b07d67d32d59e5befb2870335de767120081a3be2dc03ddc9781b1e61a7b8ba39f25f7dad88c5be653526a17b6c2dc35ed53397da12d84c327b0f05fb7ac66600fa057b72c5084684aeea" | decrypt('my-secret-name') }} will result in a decrypted string.
  • encrypt e.g. `{{ "hello world" | encrypt('my-secret-name') }} will result in an encrypted string.