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Jump to heading Deploying artifacts

If you want to deploy artifacts, phabalicious can help you here, currently there are two methods supported:

  • artifacts--git
  • artifacts--ftp

Both methods create a new application from scratch and deploy all or parts of it to a ftp server or store the artifacts in a git repository. Both methods are using the same stage mechanisms as in app:create.

Both methods needs the global repository-config, so they can pull the app into a new temporary folder.

Jump to heading artifacts--ftp

ftp will create a new application in a temporary folder, install all needed dependencies, copies the data into a new temporary folder and run the deploy script of the host-config. After that is finished, phab will mirror all changed files via lftp to the server. lftp supports multiple protocols, not only ftp, but it needs to be installed on the machine running phab.

ftp-sync use the following stages:

  • installCode will most of the time clone the source repository
  • installDependencies will install all needed dependencies
  • runActions will run all defined actions (see below)
  • runDeployScript run the deploy-script of the host to apply some custom changes
  • syncToFtp sync all changed files with the remote ftp server.

Jump to heading Example config

- git
- composer
- artifacts--ftp
- script
user: stephan
host: sftp://localhost
port: 22
password: my-secret
rootFolder: /home/stephan/somewhere
- action: copy
from: "*"
to: .
- action: script
- cp .env.example .env
- action: delete
- .git/
- .fabfile
- .editorconfig
- .env.example
- .gitattributes
- .gitignore
- composer.lock
- composer.json
- docker-compose.yml
- action: script
- ls -la
- action: confirm
question: Do you want to continue?

The default actions for the ftp-artifact-method will copy all files to the target repo and remove the .git-folder and the fabfile.

Jump to heading artifacts--git

This method will create the artifact, pull the target repository, copy all necessary files over to the target repository, commit any changes to the target repository and push the changes again. A CI listening to commits can do the actual deployment

It is using the following stages:

  • installCode, creates a temporary folder and pulls the source repository. (only when useLocalRepository is set to false)
  • installDependencies to install the dependencies
  • getSourceCommitInfo get the commit hash from the source repo.
  • runActions will run all defined actions (see below)
  • copyFilesToTargetDirectory, copy specified files to the target directory, removes all files listed in excludeFiles.gitSync
  • runDeployScript run the deploy script of the host-config.
  • pushToTargetRepository commit and push all changes, using the changelog as a commit-message

If you run phabalicious as part of a CI-setup, it might make sense to set useLocalRepository to true, as this will instruct phab to use the current folder as a base for the artifact and won't create a new application in another temporary folder.

Jump to heading Example config

branch: develop
- git
- composer
- artifacts--git
- script
- --depth 10
branch: develop
baseBranch: master
repository: ssh://somewhere/repository.git
useLocalRepository: false
- action: copy
from: '*'
to: .
- action: script
- cp .env.example .env
- action: delete
- .env.example
- composer.json
- composer.lock
- docker-compose.yml
- docker-compose-mbb.yml
- .projectCreated

the default actions for the git-artifact-method will copy all files to the target repo and remove the fabfile.

property default value description
artifact.branch false if set to false, the name of the source-branch is used, otherwise the value
artifact.baseBranch master If phabalicious needs to create a new branch, because it is missing from the target-repository, then start the branch from masterBranch
artifact.repository The url to the target-repository
artifact.actions Actions to perform

Phab will use a shallow clone for the target repository to keep resources low. If you need to use a deep copy for the target repository, you can adapt the gitOptions like:

        clone: []

If the target repository contains commits not added by the artifact deployment, a warning will be shown to the user, with a list of commits and changed files. The user can confirm that he wants to continue, or stop the execution.

You can force the artifact based deployment by adding the --force-option, or by setting the PHABALICIOUS_FORCE_GIT_ARTIFACT_DEPLOYMENT environment variable to 1.

Jump to heading artifacts--custom


Jump to heading Available actions

You can customize the list of actions be run when deploying an artifact. Here's a list of available actions

Jump to heading docker-copy

- action: docker-copy
image: "%settings.gitlab.imageBaseTag%/builder:%host.branch%"
imageRootPath: /app
from: "*"
to: .

This action will copy the listed files from from inside the docker image image to to. If from is '*' phabalicious will get the contents of the directory. As the copy is initiated from the container, make sure that the imageRootPath points to a valid directory inside the container. The image-property supports replacement patterns, in the example case it will get the image name from the gitlab settings and the branch from the host-config. Phab will try to pull the latest image before running the action. The action supports the excludeFiles.gitSync settings to skip certain files and folders (it defaults to .git).

Jump to heading copy

- action: copy
- file1
- folder2
- subfolder/file3
to: targetsubfolder

This will copy the three mentioned files and folders into the subfolder targetsubfolder of the target folder. Please be aware, that you might need to create subdirectories beforehand manually via the script-method. Also be aware that copy action deletes existing files and folders from target before doing the copy, if you want to combine files from multiple sources it is better to also use the script-method for that.

The action supports the excludeFiles.gitSync settings to skip certain files and folders (it defaults to .git). If from is * phabalicious will get the contents of the directory.

Jump to heading delete

- action: delete
- file1
- folder2
- subfolder/file3

This action will delete the list of files and folders in the target folder. Here you can clean up the target and get rid of unneeded files.

Jump to heading exclude

- action: exclude
- file1
- folder2
- subfolder/file3

Similar to delete this will exclude the list of file and folders from be transferred to the target. For ftp the list of files get excluded from transferring, for git they will get resetted from the target repository.

Jump to heading confirm

- action: confirm
question: Do you want to continue?

This action comes handy when degugging the build process, as it will stop the execution and asks the user the questions and wait for yes before continuing. Answering sth different will cancel the further execution.

Jump to heading script

- action: script
- echo "Hello world"
- cp .env.production .env
- action: script
name: compile:vue
- action: script
context: docker-image
image: node:12
- npm install
- npm run build

The script-action will run the script from the arguments section line by line. You can use the usual replacement patterns as for other scripts. Most helpful are:

Pattern Description
%context.data.installDir% The installation dir, where the app got installed into
%context.data.targetDir% The targetdir, where the app got copied to, which gets committed or synced

If arguments contains a name, then this named script will be executed. It should be available under the global scripts-section or on the hosts' scripts section.

Since 3.7 phab supports executing a script in a different context. If you set arguments.context to docker-image the lines in script will be executed in a docker-container started from the named docker-image provided via the image-argument.

Note, that the container will be removed after the script finishes. Also the current user and group will be used inside the container to reduce issues with permissions. The current host-directory is available at /app inside the container. If you want to keep files after the script finishes, make sure they are inside /app.

Jump to heading message

- action: message
message: Hello world!
type: (comment|note|warning|error|success)

Prints out a message regardless of the log-level using symfony styles.

Jump to heading log

- action: log
message: Hello world!
severity: (debug|info|notice|warning|error)

Logs a message, will be visible according to the verbosity-level and the used severity.