Factorial frontend stack pattern lab

@factorial/frontend-stack-pattern-lab is Neutrino middleware that runs a dev-server for your pattern lab files.

Heads up

This package has an implicit dependency to pattern-lab-edition-factorial


  • Serves patternlab in a dev server at http://localhost:5000
  • Watch for pattern lab file changes and generates pattern lab in development mode


  • Node.js ^8.10 or 10+
  • Yarn v1.2.1+, or npm v5.4+
  • Neutrino v8


@factorial/frontend-stack-pattern-lab can be installed via the Yarn or npm clients.


yarn add neutrino @factorial/frontend-stack-pattern-lab --dev

Then add the following your package.json.

"scripts": {
  "start": "yarn run neutrino start --use @factorial/frontend-stack-pattern-lab",


You can change the default configuration of this middleware by providing an object with the following options in .neutrionorc.js at project level.

module.exports = {

  use: [
    // ... other middlewares here
        devServer: {
          // Add your dev-server custom options here
          port: 5001,
        fileWatcherOptions: {
          // Add your file-watcher custom options here
          watchFileRegex: [
        writeFileOptions: {
          // Add your write-file custom options here
          atomicReplace: true
  options: {
    // ... general neutrinojs options here

Further reading

A list of available options can be found in the respective plugins documentation: